Whereas the inheritance of any position of governmental power or financial power violates the principle of democracy being a meritocracy in which positions are earned, Congress should enact legislation to limit inherited and gifted wealth to $5 million(adjusted for future inflation), with a minimum of 75% of the balance of the estate to be paid to the U.S. Treasury, allowing states to collect up to 25%, but allowing up to half of said balance to be given to charities, with at least half of it going to the 12 charities recognized by the Senate, or some agency or committee designated by them, as having the best records of alleviating poverty.
Why is this important?
The federal debt is now at a critical level, and the fairest way to pay off a lot of this debt is with a big increase in the estate/inheritance tax, to tax the mega-millions/ billions going to people who didn't earn it, by limiting the amount that may be received as gift or inheritance.