To: Rob King, Senior Vice President, Editorial, Print and Digital Media: ESPN the Magazine

Petition to protect Chris Broussards constitutional right to freedom of speech.

Anti- Freedom of Speech activist Michael Sherrard is circulating a petition calling for the termination of ESPN the Magazine senior writer Chris Broussard for simply expressing his opinion on same gender loving couples and same gender marriage. After Jason Collins, center for the Washington Wizards, openly professed to be a homosexual in an interview with Sports Illustrated, ESPN discussed his coming out.

During an televised discussion between three individuals Chris Broussard was asked his stand on homosexuality and Christianity. He respectfully shared his opinion which was that homosexuality was a sin just as much as premarital sex and adultery. His language was not offensive nor hateful yet he is said to have used Christianity as a "weapon of hatred". In a free country any male or female should be allowed to peacefuly have any opinion on a particular subject without fear of retaliation.

Though Michael Sherrard claims to be an activist for equality he attempts to slander and rob indivuals who disagree with him of their rights to freedom of speech. Just as much as a male or female in this country has the right to be gay others have the right to respectfully disagree with this lifestyle. Please sign this petition in support of not only Chris Broussard , but of all Americans right to freedom of speech.

Why is this important?

ESPN the Magazine senior writer Chris Broussard is being targeted for termination by anti-freedom of speech and pro gay activist Michael Sherrard for simply sharing his beliefs on homosexuality and same-sex marriage.