Requesting the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR), in their Strategic Planning initiative, to recognize that Reflexology is a complementary therapy which is an internationally recognized, acclaimed, organized and research-supported profession. Reflexology is a non-invasive, integrative approach to well-being, separate from massage and other hands-on therapies.
Why is this important?
BACKGROUND: Reflexologists in Texas, and national and state associations, have been active for over three decades to separate the Reflexology profession from massage. 33 U.S. states exempt Reflexology from the massage law and many countries worldwide recognize the difference between the two. Reflexology has 5 state laws of its own, and the National Institute of Health lists Reflexology as a separate discipline. In Texas, there is no reason why this separation should not be formally recognized NOW.
You can assist this endeavor by signing this petition in support of Reflexology in Texas - whether you are a client or practitioner. You can also sign the petition if you do not live in Texas or the USA - the more voices heard, the better. Please share far and wide. Reflexology as a stand-alone profession is in the best interest of us all. THANK YOU!