To: President Donald Trump

Petition to regulate semi-automatic guns

Almost none of the many proposals being talked about by the President, Congress, or the NRA would have prevented or reduced our recent mass shootings or the 8,000 plus gun homicides every year.

This petition requests that the government regulate semi-automatic firearms in the same manner and for the same reasons that machine guns were regulated.

The only gun related petitions on the White House web site are of the “keep your hands off my guns” variety. If you feel that the numbers of guns that can fire high volumes of bullets in seconds and are easily available to everyone are a problem:

1. Go to and vote in favor of the petition asking that semi-automatic guns be regulated in the same way that machine guns are regulated.

2. Forward this e-mail to your friends so they can vote for it

This petition will not be seen by the public until 150 individuals have voted for it. If 150 individuals vote in favor, the general public will be able to see and vote for the petition.

The average soldier in World War I did not carry a semi-automatic rifle.
The average German, Japanese, Russian, British or French soldier in World War II did not carry a semi-automatic rifle. Korea was fought on all sides without detachable magazine rifles.
Most of the guns used in the last 68 massacres and last year’s 8,000+ homicides were semi-automatic guns.

A machine gun fires, reloads, and fires again as long as the trigger is held down.

In response to seven deaths in the 1929 Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, Congress regulated machine guns. As a result, machine gun homicides are almost unheard of today.

A semi-automatic gun fires, reloads, and fires again as fast as the trigger can be pulled.
Semi-automatic guns are the weapons that make it possible to have mass shootings, such as the elementary school in CT, the movie theater in CO, and drive-by shootings into homes and crowds from moving automobiles.

In response to 12 deaths in a CO movie theater, Congress did nothing.
In response to 26 deaths in a CT elementary school, Congress did nothing.
In response to 8,000+ firearm homicides last year, Congress did nothing.
As a result, we can expect 8,000+ more gun homicides this year, plus a massacre at a college, a high school, an elementary school, a preschool or a school bus.

Why is this important?

8,000 + Americans died from gun homicides in 2011
