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To: Addressing Chairman Dennis Beise, Vice-Chair Eckblad, Supervisors Joel Kjome, Karen McDougall, & John Deitering,

Petition To Reopen Township Pit

We the citizens of Rockford understand that you were pressed to close the Township Pit for various reasons. Including but not limited to verbal abuse of Township employees, dumping guidelines not being followed by area, non-residents dumping, commercial businesses dumping, and dumping illegal items.
We the citizens of Rockford township are kindly requesting a set of new guidelines that could frame the future for reopening of the Township Pit area.
This could be based on limited access, and for residents in agreement with clearly states guidelines, that respect the Township employees.

Why is this important?

As a resident of Rockford Township we appreciated the use of the Township Pit greatly! Since it has been closed we have had to drive over 20 min away to the Wright County Compost & Recycling Center to transport brush from trimming trees. The transport it’s self has some risks to consider such as driving 55 mph with tied down brush, as items can shift and cause injury to others on the road, especially motorcyclists. While we do understand the closing of the Township Pit was necessary to bring about change, we urge you to consider the time and efforts, as well as safety of the citizens of our Rockford Township equally important and reopen the Township pit as a result.
Your concerned neighbor.



2020-10-20 21:56:40 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-10-19 22:08:03 -0400

10 signatures reached