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To: YouTube

Petition to save PsychedSubstance on YouTube

We as a community ask YouTube to please stop restricting and giving strikes against educational and harm-reducing content on PsychedSubstance's YouTube channel. One life saved, or one mind educated, is worth ensuring the safety and longevity of the YouTube channel PsychedSubstance (and many others).

Sign this petition to show support and tell to youtube to save these channels: PsychedSubstance, Your Mate Tom, and TheDrugClassroom.

Why is this important?

YouTube channels promoting harm reduction in regard to substances are being targeted in some sort of attack.

These channels are not here to encourage drug use at all. They are "here to provide accurate education and awareness for the safe use of some very "taboo" practices. These are practices that have no place being taboo any longer. The safety of everyone is more important than keeping this ridiculous stigma around."

First, these channels became demonetized or got hit with receiving less add revenue (meaning the channel creators earn nearly zero dollars off their uploaded videos, even with 1,000,000+ plus views). However, the creators of these channels value human life and have enough empathy to continue and persevere. Now, however, YouTube is being even stricter towards "controversial" content and has begun deleting, age restricting, and striking these channels. This means these channels are in true danger of being removed, which is a 100% negative thing in all aspects.

PsychedSubstance and other creators truly care for the safety of the world and want to educate everyone on the topic of substances, regardless of if they plan on ever using a substance or not. It is made to save people from pain, mental/emotional trauma, and even death. This alone should be enough reason to leave these channels be, and let them continue their mission. Keep in mind the YouTube guidelines are being closely followed and respected by PsychedSubstance; he is not breaking any rules.

YouTube, I understand as a company you have the right to remove channels/video's as you please, but as a community, we ask you to please save these channels and allow them to continue, as they have for a while now.

Petition In Support Of:
@PsychedSubstance (Adam)
@YourMateTom (Tom)
@TheDrugClassRoom (Seth)



2020-01-09 11:41:43 -0500

50 signatures reached