To: Governor Gavin Newsom

Petition to Stop Court Assignments to Faith Based Recovery Programs

Stop unwanted mandating of Citizens to Faith Based Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Offer people alternatives to these 12 step meetings. Encourage Empowerment to our citizens, not a powerless faith healing antiquated institution.

Why is this important?

It is well known that most people who get a DUI are forced to go to AA. What is not well known is that AA has been declared a “Religious Organization” more than once in court, and such assignments are unconstitutional. There are recovery programs aside from AA, including secular ones, and these options should be made available. Smart Recovery, Rational Recovery, Secular for Sobriety (SOS) Woman For Sobriety, and Lifering, The Clean Slate, and Hank Hayes’s 5 Master Keys Formula.
The Time is now that average citizens are given a choice.
AA has no safety measures in place to protect members from Sexual Harassment, Financial Scamming, or Sexual Battery and is proving to be a dangerous place to send unsuspecting citizens.
