To: President Donald Trump

Petition to the President to Establish a Special Commission on Policing

We the undersigned call upon the President of the United States of America to constitute a commission to
1. Examine the training of police officers
2. Assess the police use of force in our country
3. Assess the militarization of our police forces
4. Examine the causes of the unjustified use of lethal force
5. Develop binding Guidelines for Police Training and Police Use of Force.

Why is this important?

American police forces have become increasingly militarized since the attacks of 9/11. Incidence of SWAT responses has increased markedly since that date. There have been numerous recent incidents of excessive use of force by American policemen, including shooting of unarmed children and battery of elderly people. This can be dealt with effectively only by a special independent commission constituted to study the issues and produce guidelines for effective and humane policing.