To: Se. Gen. Ban Ki-Moon, Sec. Gen. of UN , Human Rights
Petition to the UN to Audit the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Fraud
Massive election fraud has occurred in the 2016 Democratic Primary in every state that has voted or caucused. We have seen our votes thrown away and never counted. We have seen voter registrations destroyed and hundreds of thousands of registered voters turned away at the polls. We would like the UN to conduct an audit of the rampant corruption that has occurred in the Democratic Primary. We want to maintain our right to elect our leaders in legal, open elections. Please help us receive justice.
Why is this important?
American voters are witnessing open election fraud in every primaried state. All of the fraud is occurring on behalf of one candidate. The people of the United States have the right to elect our leaders in legal elections. Free, open elections are the cornerstone of a democracy. That right is being eroded by the Democratic Party. We want justice now.