To: City of Tucson Mayor and Council
Petition to Tucson City Mayor and Council to End Corporate Personhood
We, the People of Tucson, AZ, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United, and hereby petition the Tucson Mayor and Council to issue a nonbinding resolution in support of amending the U.S. Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.
Why is this important?
If you believe corporations are not people and money is not speech please sign this petition asking Tucson Mayor and City Council to pass a resolution stating this.
While the above statement is so obvious that our founding fathers did not think it necessary to put it in the original U.S. Constitution, unfortunately there have been activist judges on the U.S. Supreme Court who have made such a common sense statement necessary. As a result of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in the Citizen's United case it has become necessary to pass an amendment to the U.S. Constitution stating corporations are not people and money is not speech. This Supreme Court ruling has allowed corporations the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money in elections, thus making it possible for them to buy candidates. This undermines the basic tenants of democracy and has effectively prevented the average American from having a voice in their government. The only way to reestablish democracy in America and give the voice back to the people is by passing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution stating corporations are not people and money is not speech.
The goal of this petition is to help with the building of grass roots support of this Constitutional Amendment. Currently politicians are indebted to big campaign donors (i.e. corporations) and will not pass this amendment unless forced to by the American people. A resolution passed by Tucson Mayor and City Council will be nonbinding, since they do not have the power or authority to change the U.S. Constitution, but it will help build this grass roots movement that will end up forcing Congress and the states to pass this amendment.
Please sign this resolution and show the government that the people of Tucson, AZ are demanding this Amendment to the U.S.Constitution, because we are demanding they restore our democracy.
While the above statement is so obvious that our founding fathers did not think it necessary to put it in the original U.S. Constitution, unfortunately there have been activist judges on the U.S. Supreme Court who have made such a common sense statement necessary. As a result of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in the Citizen's United case it has become necessary to pass an amendment to the U.S. Constitution stating corporations are not people and money is not speech. This Supreme Court ruling has allowed corporations the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money in elections, thus making it possible for them to buy candidates. This undermines the basic tenants of democracy and has effectively prevented the average American from having a voice in their government. The only way to reestablish democracy in America and give the voice back to the people is by passing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution stating corporations are not people and money is not speech.
The goal of this petition is to help with the building of grass roots support of this Constitutional Amendment. Currently politicians are indebted to big campaign donors (i.e. corporations) and will not pass this amendment unless forced to by the American people. A resolution passed by Tucson Mayor and City Council will be nonbinding, since they do not have the power or authority to change the U.S. Constitution, but it will help build this grass roots movement that will end up forcing Congress and the states to pass this amendment.
Please sign this resolution and show the government that the people of Tucson, AZ are demanding this Amendment to the U.S.Constitution, because we are demanding they restore our democracy.