To: President Donald Trump

Ph.D to Senior Executive Service (SES)

My name is Dr. Ronald Bradshaw and, GS-12 for the VA and work in IT. I would be a great benefit to the gvernment. However, at minimum would take another 2 years focusing on skill that has little to do with increasing efficiency in the goverment. The rule is not smart. Consider offering Ph.Ds of any grade to partcipate in becoming an SES. The most innovative mind may be around the corner if you seek the talent out. The Ph.D degree shows the dedication to complete the highest level of tasks in education and most of us a stuck working for people with either no degree or a lesser degree because of how the Government grading system is structured.

Why is this important?

The government is not getting the brightest thinkers because of the Rule that states to apply to become an SES, you must be a GS14\orGS-15.
