To: Mark Squilla, Councilman and Dennis O'Brien, Coouncilman
Save Earned Sick Leave- Act Now
Councilman O'Brien and Councilman Squilla: stand up for working Philadelphians, and vote to override Mayor Nutter's veto of the earned sick days bill.
Why is this important?
Philadelphia City Council overwhelmingly passed a law giving 120,000 Philadelphia the chance to EARN some paid sick leave. Mayor Nutter vetoed this bill. We need just twelve votes to override the veto this Thursday, April 11th. With 77 percent of Philadelphians supporting an override of the Mayor's veto, now is the time for City Council to stand up and lead on the issue of earned sick days. Sign this petition asking Councilmen O'Brien and Squilla to stand up to the Mayor and vote YES to override the veto.