To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Phillip Precourt Don't cut Education

Cut your pay before cutting Education. Do not let more and more teachers lose their jobs. Invest in our children's future, don't spit on it!

Why is this important?

Education had been cut far too much in this state. I am a newly certified educator who is considering a move out of New York upon completion of my Masters Degree in August. This makes me sick, but I simply must go where I can get a job in my desired field. As a father I also have great concerns about the future of New York schools. Now one of the best in the nation, but with more significant cuts looming will the same be said in the future? Please consider cutting your pay and doing your share before curing from an industry that develops the future of your state. Do not let more and more teachers go unemployed.
