To: Media, Name, Title or Position (optional), President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Pictures, names of killers to cease in media

This petition is to pressure all forms of media to cease the reporting of the name, personal information (such as hometown, age, etc.) and especially the pictures of anyone who commits an act of murder or mass murder in the United States. The suspect's information could be accessed by the public but it would not be published to the general public through our nation's media including newspapers, news networks, or internet sites. The perpetrators of these crimes are desperately seeking attention and we are feeding into their delusions. They must remain anonymous!

Why is this important?

In light of the latest horrific tradegy in Newtown, CT. and the massacre in Aurora, CO, I believe that the publishing of any personal information about the suspect should be ceased by all types of media. This action would prevent the horrible experience of seeing the face of these killers unexpectedly by families of the victims. This move would also help the families of the perpetrators who are in most cases, victims too.
