To: F. Ann Rodriguez, Pima County Recorder and Governor Doug Ducey

Pima County Recorders Office

The Pima County Recorders Office sent many people to the wrong voting places and this caused a large number of provisional ballots to be filed. An investigation into how this happened should be undertaken and all provisional ballots should be counted regardless of the time or expense involved.

Why is this important?

The Pima County Recorders Office apparently made hundred of errors in sending people to the right precinct voting places. I had to file a provisional ballot even though I went to the voting place that their website gave me for my address and I have voted at that same place for several years. My name was not on the roll. And there were dozens of other people with the same issue. The Governor of the State of Arizona should order an investigation of this issue and ensure that every ballot in Pima County is counted.
