To: Barb Dixon, president, Robert Casey, vice president, Paige Gebhardt Cognetti, Paul Duffy, Katie Gilmartin, Bob Lesh, Mark McAndrew, Carol Oleski, Tom Schuster, and Alexis Kirijan, Superintendent

Pink Slips in Scranton

I urge you to rescind the 98 teacher furloughs IMMEDIATELY! Our students, teachers and community deserve better. I stand in solidarity with Scranton’s educators.

Why is this important?

The Pennsylvania auditor general cited the Scranton School District as the "worst audit" he has ever seen. The district's response is to furlough 98 teachers, including:

Librarians (all), Health/Physical Education, Art, English, Science, Special Education, Mathematics, Family Consumer Science, Music and Industrial Arts

On Feb. 9, 2018, the general counsel of the governor’s office sent a letter to the Scranton School District saying, "... the District [must] immediately discontinue and reverse any action to suspend any professional employee. ..." Further, if the district refuses to comply, then it would "... lead to the Department taking action to protect the students and employees of the District."

The Scranton School District has chosen to ignore the governor!

Sign this petition demanding that the Scranton School District board of directors follow the recommendation of the Office of General Counsel and immediately reinstate the 98 educators who received pink slips.