To: Todd Stordahl, WOA Commissioner

Pink whistles for charity

After reading the By-Laws, especially hard 38pp document, unbending in every way with very sharp corners that cannot be cut, it was clear to me that [according to Article III - UNIFORMS, Sections 1 and 2]:

Section 1. Officials shall wear the uniform as approved by the WOA, including the WOA patch.

Section 2. Uniform exceptions may be requested by Associations/Boards to the WOA Executive Board thirty (30) days prior to each scheduled meeting.

Also, PNFOA must have been a recognised association with WOA. However, what I will find tremendously thrilling is that Commish Stordahl will wallow in the soup of his making but before that will need to provide notice of suspension to all the officials, and not directly to PNFOA who he alleges took an unilateral decision, for violation.

My heart goes out to all the 143 members of PNFOA for the pig-headed way the commish handled the situation in spite of having full powers to interpret laws, I will take consolation that the commish renewed the awareness of the cause. Kudos to PNFOA for making this happen, and may long ere their ranks swell!!

Why is this important?

Football referees in the State of Washington have been subjected to loss of revenue and suspensions due to their support of the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer research.
