To: William Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh mayor Bill Peduto: speak out against discriminatory laws in North Carolina and Mississ...
I am asking Pittsburgh mayor Bill Peduto to join the Mayors Against Discrimination in boycotting North Carolina and Mississippi over the passage of discriminatory anti-LGBT laws in those states.
Why is this important?
As an openly gay man I am disappointed about the passage of HB 2 in North Carolina, which prevents local municipalities from passing nondiscrimination ordinances that go beyond what is written in state law and also requires that transgender people use the restroom that corresponds with the sex listed on their birth certificate. I am also concerted about Mississippi's governor signing HB 1523 into law, which would make it legal for any public business to cite religious beliefs in refusing service to LGBT people. Discrimination of any kind has no place in our country and so I am asking Pittsburgh mayor Bill Peduto to join the Mayors Against Discrimination from 9 other major cities across the US, including the mayor of Philadelphia, by refusing to use taxpayer dollars either for travel to North Carolina and Mississippi or in the purchase of any products from these two states.