To: The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, and Governor Doug Ducey

Plain View Campaign Contributions

We call upon the Arizona Legislature to amend state law(s) to require full disclosures of any monies or other donations to political campaigns,initiatives or committees. We must see in plain view all people and groups who attempt to advocate or influence legislators,political campaigns,and political speech and the extent of their expenditures to do so.

Why is this important?

I was shocked to see all the Fiesta Bowl swag shoveled out to our legislators with no declarations made on either side,and the lack of any action by any ethics committee because no rules were broken by the same scoundrels who fail to make any rules. I was shocked Arizona(Kirk Adams,etc.)has become the hub for anonymous political money to be washed and disbursed to other states. There is no good reason to cloak political advocacy in secrecy or the level of monetary and "in kind" support. Democracy has no room for closed doors.