To: Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood: Sue and Bankrupt Fox News

Whereas Fox News repeatedly and intentionally showed a fraudulent film depicting Planned Parenthood selling baby parts, and whereas viewing this video prompted Robert Lewis Dear to commit mass murder upon the occupants of the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood facility. We petition Planned Parenthood file a wrongful death suit against Fox News. As the Ku Klux Klan was found to be the agent of the murder of Michael Donald in 1981, so Fox News was the agent for these murders; just as Judge Alex T. Howard, the presiding judge in the Michael Donald case, redefined agency to determine that the Klan was responsible for actions of its members, so Fox News is responsible for the actions of its viewers. We petition Plannned Parenthood to sue and bankrupt Fox News.

Why is this important?

Fox news instigated domestic terror.
