To: Dr. Dale Russell, Division Chair

Please add an additional SWRK 125A class for the Fall 2014 Semester at CSUS

To Whom it May Concern,

SWRK 125A filled very quickly this year and there are currently an abundance of students who are sitting in on the class in the hopes of enrolling if someone drops out. We believe it is necessary to add an additional class to the Fall 2014 schedule. It is imperative to many students and failing to do so could drastically impact their future plans. We ask that you please consider adding an extra class because we do not have the time nor money to wait for next semester.

Thank you,

Why is this important?

I've talked to a surprising amount of CSUS students who are in the same boat as me this semester and this petition is our chance to do something about it. It's imperative that we enroll in SWRK 125A this semester, but the class is sadly full.

- Don’t want to wait another semester or year for classes you need?
- Don’t have money for an extra year at CSUS because you can’t get the classes you want?
- Do you want to enroll in SWRK 125A for the Fall 2014 Semester?

If I can get enough votes, I will deliver this petition to the Dean as well as the Chair of Social Work. Thanks for your time!
