To: The Alabama State House, The Alabama State Senate, and Governor Kay Ivey

Please allow health coverage to people that can't get health insurance!

Please allow the health care exchange in this state so that I can take care of my diabetic medical supplies. I am not sick, but have a major medical illness. People worse off than me have it far worse than me. Help us!

Why is this important?

I am a working citizen of the United States. I am 30. I work for a non profit organization under a grant to decrease the massive dropout rate of our school children. Under the grant, I have no health care coverage. My income is on the moderate to higher end of middle class. However, what I make is ate up by health care expenses.

I was born with Diabetes Mellitus Type I. I am insulin dependent. I have been on Blue Cross Blue Shield my entire life until I took this job in 2008. I did not realize I could denied to pay for health insurance out of my own pocket that would eat up my paycheck. I am not sick. I just need normal health insurance that covers all of my medication plus my insulin pump. I am spending roughly $500/month on diabetic supplies just to keep me alive. And now Governor Robert Bentley has decided he won't set up the health care exchange that would keep me supplied with my medicine and not being in the poor house!
