To: Mayor Karl Dean and Metro Council

Please approve the $34 million to Fund Phase 2 of the MLK Expansion and Renovation

Dear Mayor Dean and Metro Council,
Thank you so much for your support of the initial expansion of Martin Luther King Jr. Magnet School (MLK) during last year’s (2014-15) budgeting process.

With the initial funding of $6.9 million for Phase 1, we are adding 10 classrooms and a Learning Commons at the corner of Jo Johnston and Dr. DB Todd Jr. Blvd as well as purchasing the two parcels along 18th Avenue (Moore’s and Horton’s Property) to supplement our urban campus.

While the Phase 1 funding will provide desperately needed classroom space, it will leave the majority of the school’s physical issues unresolved:
• The current MLK school building is the lowest rated high school as far as physical condition. The current Phase 1 project adds a modest addition but does nothing to address the condition of the existing facility.
• At 141,000 SF, the current MLK building is grossly undersized compared to the other magnet and zoned high schools. With the current Phase 1 addition of approximately 26,000 SF, the school still remains in a distant last place.
• Excerpts of the Master Plan are attached. Page 17 of the Master Plan illustrates the disparity of physical resources for the MLK facility.
• With full funding, the proposed Phase 2 of the Master Plan will add an additional 56,000 SF and renovate the existing facility. Even after these improvements, the facility will remain in the lower tier of most statistical categories, however the plan maximizes the potential of the site and the historic Pearl High School facility.

MLK has a history of making the most out of the least - literally. The Phase II funding requested to implement the Master Plan will provide the school with modest but adequate facilities. We hope that we can continue to count on your support for funding the remainder of the Martin Luther King Jr. Magnet School expansion as well as the renovation of the existing facilities.

Thank you very much for your consideration.
MLK PTSA and MLK Community

Why is this important?

Please fund the $34 million for MLK that is shown in the MNPS Capital Improvement Budget.