To: The Hawaii State House, The Hawaii State Senate, and Governor David Ige

Please Defeat HB2570!

HB2570 effectively creates a monopoly on nutrition services for dietitians, denying consumers access to expert advice from nutritionists and health coaches, some of the most highly educated and well-respected professionals in the field of nutrition.

As the bill is currently worded only a licensed dietitian shall practice a wide range of nutrition services including performing nutritional assessments and nutrition monitoring and evaluation, all of which fall in the scope of
practice of any highly qualified nutritionist and certified health coach.

Consequently, under this bill, nutritionists and those of us who are certified health coaches are forced to become licensed as dietitians in order to practice. Requiring one profession, i.e. nutritionists, to complete a program from a different profession, i.e. a dietitian, in order to practice nutritional therapy is absurd. This ignores the vast philosophical difference between nutritionists and dietitians, which are two entirely different fields of study and practice.

The negative implications of HB2570 are far-reaching. It is bad for an already struggling Hawaii economy. This bill would effectively eliminate an entire profession and removes all competition in the field of nutrition services.

It also dampens freedom of choice in healthcare: Nutritionists, health coaches and dietitians have entirely different philosophical approaches. Each individual has unique nutritional needs. This demands various different approaches to nutritional care and consequently individuals require access to choice - not just a one-size-fits-all approach.

It threatens to increase chronic health indicators among Hawaii's citizens: Nutritionists and heath coaches practice an integrative approach to health and concentrate on prevention and treatment of chronic disease. Public policy demands that access to nutritionists should be broadened, not reduced.

As a solution, I ask that HB2570 is killed for 2012 so that all nutritionists, health coaches the Hawaii Dietitians Association members can meet to create a bill together for 2013 that would allow us to continue our respected practices instead of allowing a monopoly.

Thank you for your support in opposing and defeating HB2570!

Why is this important?

Defeat HB2570: The Health and Wellness of Hawaiian Residents Depends on It!