To: The Alabama State Senate and Governor Kay Ivey

Please do not close the low cost spay and neuter clinics in Alabama

Do not close the low cost spay and neuter clinics in Alabama. We have got to stop the tremendous overpopulation of unwanted animals. Many end up in local shelters and are euthanized.

Why is this important?

I understand that the low cost spay and neuter clinics are under attack to be closed in Al. I am proposing that they not be closed because of the need of people in Alabama that cannot afford to get their dog or cat spayed and neutered. This in no way should threaten our local veterinarian. I have used my family veterinarian for many years and so have all the peope I know. But there are those who cannot afford the going rates for spay and neuter and can get their pets spayed or neutered for a reduced cost. This reduces greatly the no. of animals that end up in the animal shelters and many end up getting euthanized. The fewer animals conceived the less the tax payers have to pay for the animal shelters. Many people during this economical downturn have had to relinquish their pets to a shelter. What would it be like if the family dog just had eight puppies and they were all relinquished too. Animals cannot speak for themselves so I take this opportunity to speak for them.
