To: Facebook

Please, Facebook, stop allowing stalkers to ban members.

Please ask Facebook to stop banning women members indefinitely based on years' old posts that stalkers are using to report for no legitimate reason. The bans can be repeated indefinitely and Facebook will not even block the stalkers from members from whom they have cloned pages.

Why is this important?

We are asking Facebook to adhere to their policy of trying to make as safe a community as possible, and not inadvertently help stalkers use Facebook rules as a way to ban some members for political or personal reasons.

Please, Facebook, protect your members and do not help stalkers harm them.

Facebook has been banning longtime members who have never been a problem, based on stalkers who repeatedly report years' old posts and comments. These posts plainly did not violate Facebook "community standards" or else they would have been removed immediately after they were first posted.

Stalkers can clone a victim's page and suffer no consequences, as has been done to Bev Jo Von Dohre. She repeatedly has asked Facebook that whoever cloned her page and whoever is reporting her from years' old posts (which she likely already removed) be blocked from seeing her, but Facebook ignores her. We've been told that it is likely a hired team is targeting a number of Facebook members so that as soon as they return after a 30-day ban, they are again reported en masse and banned. (The stalker(s) could also be people who have been removed from moderated groups for making abusive or threatening comments, and so is on a vendetta, but it seems more systematic than that.)

The reported posts are often years old. No matter how many hours of work has been spent removing anything possible, going back 6 years, nothing stops the reporting of what used to be acceptable.

So, in my case, I am locked out almost permanently. Soon after I return, the stalker(s) report me again and I am locked out for another 30 days. Meanwhile, I've been unable to return friends' messages or comment when a friend has died (which happened a few days ago) or otherwise participate in the community.

This is happening to a lot of targeted women. I have over 900 friends and am prevented from contact with them. It's terrible that friends often don't know and so think I am ignoring them. I moderate several groups, which are now suffering from not having moderation and those asking to join again are made to feel ignored.

Last year, the rules said the reported posts had to be "recent," which would eliminate this kind of stalking, but that Facebook rule is being ignored now.

I have asked repeatedly for Facebook to block the stalker(s) since they know who they are, but get no direct response. When there has been a response, it's like a form letter and never about what actually is happening. I even went to Facebook headquarters, was assured there would be help, which of course did not happen, and then the stalking and false reporting continued.
This is will be increasingly happening to Facebook members since stalkers and harassers have found a way to use the rules against other members as a way to almost permanently ban them.
Please ask Facebook to stop helping stalkers target and ban members for no legitimate reason. (Some members have even been banned for using their own chosen name for their identity.)
