To: Senator Jean Fuller, Assemblywoman Connie Conway & State Auditor Elaine Howle

Please help 2 cause CA State Audit Report of case that exposes CA Court problems, statewide.

Mr. Ron Pierce resides in Tulare County. We are urging you, his elected representatives to the California State Senate and Assembly, to order a request of State Auditor Howle for you to receive a Bureau of State Audit (BSA) Report of the Pierce court case file in conjunction with the facts set forth in Mr. Pierce's Aug 5th BSA Whistleblower Report.

Like Mr. Pierce, many across the state complain that when they seek help within the judicial system, they become targets of retaliation by the courts, the Administrative Offices of the Courts (AOC) and auxilary agencies to cover up unlawful misdeeds and ineptitude.

As such, we the Undersigned, believe that Mr. Pierce�s matter warrants a BSA Audit Report to the legislature on behalf of your constituents in Tulare County and on behalf of all of the people of the State of California.

Such a report could serve to establish legal safeguards for better public protection from mismanagement of the judicial branch, statewide.

Why is this important?

On August 5th, Mr. Ronald Pierce issued a complaint report to the California Bureau of State Audits (BSA). Mr. Pierce�s confidential complaint is filed under the Whistleblower Protection Act. It alleges systemic corruption, ineptitude and cronyism centered in Tulare County�s local court and auxiliary services; along with concealment of the court mismanagement and retaliation by the courts and Administration of the Courts (AOC) on a state level for Mr. Pierce�s exposing of collusively unethical and unlawful misconduct.

This matter should have been a simple granting of Mr. Pierce's petition for divorce. Instead, it became a profit generator for the courts and auxillary agencies based on provable misstatement of facts and retaliation to conceal it.

It has been ongoing for over five years and has taken many twists and turns which have devastated Mr. Pierce and his children. In his BSA Whistleblower Complaint, Mr. Pierce alleges and provides evidence that each court has added to the damage while refusing to acknowledge the direct evidence of prior misdeeds by prior courts, the AOC and auxiliary agencies.

Many people state they have been harmed by ethics problems in the CA judicial branch that appear to be originating from the top. The ethics breaches appear to be concealed by efforts of the AOC in countless court cases. Using the courts to retaliate against whistleblowers for exposing misdeeds appears to be an alarming pattern in all types of cases.

Auditing the Pierce case in the Tulare County courts, which appears to encompass many of the elements of unlawful mismanagement and often reported retaliation on a state level, could help to illustrate where the root of the problem lays throughout the state. The case could serve as a blueprint to aid to correct systemic judicial branch problems for the good of the people of California.
