To: President Donald Trump, The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, Governor Roy Cooper, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Please help save bees in North Carolina!

We need bees to survive as they carry pollen from plant to plant, vegetable to vegetable, and fruit to fruit. With out them the human race could very well go the way of many other species: Extinct.

Why is this important?

I know many people dislike bees because they are allergic or they do not like to get stung; none of us do. But did you know that bees, especially honeybees, help with our survival? They carry pollen to what we need to eat, as well as what the animals that provide us with meat need to eat.

Sadly, 90% of wild bees have died out!

Albert Einstein said, "If honeybees become extinct, human society will follow in four years." Does that not make you think?

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