To: The Alabama State House, The Alabama State Senate, and Governor Kay Ivey

Please help to end Supt. Barbara Thompson & MPS Board Members Deceptive Practices to RESEGREGATE ...

In the wake of the most recent 6-1 decision in favor of Supt. Barbara Thompson's ridiculous recommendation to close neighborhood schools in low income predominantly Black communities we stand in solidarity to have this decision rescinded. Haunted by history in the most recent decision by Board members;Charlotte Meadows,Eleanor Dawkins, Mary Briers, Melissa Snowden, Heather Sellers, and Beverly Ross, is a troubling sign of genocide of the Black Community. Parents, Guardians and Advocates spent time during the public forums in the last few months in heated debates regarding a new redistricting, consolidation, closing of schools recommendation to essentially provide more financial resources to eradicate a new East High School. The premise is to close schools within the low income communities to create a new high school in the more affluent community located in the East Montgomery which is more populated by Whites. Subsequently, this inconsistent fiscally irresponsible plan focuses on “neighborhood schools”, essentially resegregating the schools by socioeconomic status and race based on what the “demographics” reflect. In addition, the Superintendent’s recommendations would increase the number of magnet schools, again causing the disparity between magnet and traditional student enrollment. Letters have been disseminated throughout the City notifying the reassigned schools for students based on the illogical recommendations. Several letters and calls from State Legislators exemplify the irrationality of the closing of schools.
What they have projected as critical is NOT! They have not asked for Money. If you are concerned about this inequity and disparity sign this petition! What affects one effects the other in the long run!

Why is this important?

In the wake of the most recent 6-1 decision in favor of Supt. Barbara Thompson's ridiculous recommendation to close neighborhood schools in low income predominantly Black communities we stand in solidarity to have this decision rescinded. Haunted by history in the most recent decision by Board members;Charlotte Meadows,Eleanor Dawkins, Mary Briers, Melissa Snowden, Heather Sellers, and Beverly Ross, is a troubling sign of genocide of the Black Community.
