To: President Donald Trump and Governor Gavin Newsom

Please investigate the city of Glendora, CA the same way the city of Bell, CA was investigated.

Please sign my petition to President Obama and Governor Jerry Brown asking them to order a thorough investigation of the city of Glendora, California the same way the city of Bell, California was investigated.

Why is this important?

I am a 71 year old disabled senior woman who was illegally evicted 10/2010 from my apt at 1000 S. Glendora Ave, Glendora, CA. I became homeless and lived in tents in campgrounds in the mountains for over two years. I lost my city rental subsidy for three years while I fought the illegal eviction and finally won in the appeals court 4/23/12 The 3 judges ruled my apt and city rental subsidy be reinstated. On 11/18/12 the city of Glendora gave me a Federal Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) subsidy with a notice it will end 6/30/13 which means I will again be homeless and have to move back to the campgrounds and live in tents. I am not alone, the city is ending the TBRA rental subsidies for 63 households 6/30/13 and many of them will be homeless. I am asking for an investigation of the city council, Affordable Housing Agency for misappropriation of city, state and federal money (funds) as far back as 2004. Please sign my petition asking the President and Governor to order a thorough investigation of the City of Glendora for misappropriation of city, state and federal money?
