To: Marianne Buttenschon (NY-119), Joseph Griffo (NY-47), and Governor Andrew Cuomo

please no merit pay for teachers

Please do not allow this horrible practice to enter the field of public education. All children deserve all teachers to do their best at all times. Teachers do not need a "carrot" to entice them to teach better. That's not what it's about. It's about improving the lives of students through education. There is no test that can measure such a thing. This is not a game. It's about lives. No merit pay is required. It's not sales, it's education.

Why is this important?

I am a mother, a grandmother, a teacher, a senior citizen and a voter. I consider the thought of merit pay for teachers to be appalling. I would find it equally distasteful should it apply to healthcare, public safety, or the military and no one with any sense would consider such a thing, so why is it being considered for children's learning? Politicians should keep the private sector out of public education. Let them start their own private schools, they can well afford it. Public money is for public education. Stop the nonsense, please. There should be some things that money can't buy. This is one of them. TEACHERS TEACH BECAUSE THEY CAN, NOT BECAUSE THEY NEED A MONETARY REWARD.