New Haven Residential Treatment Center has been abusing and neglecting minors with mental health who have been placed in their care. Students are threatened not to talk, including removing phone privileges and contact with the outside world, in order to prevent them from speaking out. All staff are legally mandated reporters, yet the incidents are majorly underreported. Most incidents are shoved under the rug as "attention seeking" or "behavioral issues." Students who attempted to leave campus to call the cops were physically restrained and lost phone privileges. Alumni started to post on their Facebook page. Reviews were turned off and posts were deleted. New Haven should be a haven first and a business second. They have refrained from responding to reports of abuse in order to save face, completely neglecting the needs of those they claim to help. Please hold New Haven liable for their actions and protect the girls there currently. Give them a voice!
This incident happened at New Haven, yet they have not commented on it and their name was emitted from the article. Please stop protecting this horrible institution!! Their business and money don't matter when the lives of so many teens are at risk!