To: President Donald Trump

Please Replace Salazar

Dear Mr. President,
Since taking office, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has done great damage to your once perfect environmental record. As Senator, the Sierra Club awarded you its highest environmental rating. However, since Mr. Salazer began his tenure, he has sided again and again with special interests over the environment. We need someone in this role who will protect the environment, not sell it to the highest bidder.

Mr. Salazer has sided with Monsanto's untested GMO crops and hazardous herbicides over public safety. He has de-listed wolves from being protected--the first time any animal has been so treated, leaving wolves open to cruel and brutal aerial hunting.

Most recently, Salazar has taken steps to cut-off water to an area near the Oregon/California border where the most waterfowl in the nation converge during migration. The results of this extremely poor decision have devastated bird populations, already killing tens of thousands of birds by dehydration and resulting disease. This one act alone could destroy as many as a million birds if not corrected at once. This is one too many bad decisions by someone who is supposed to protect natural resources, wildlife and the environment, not destroy it.
Please replace Salazar with someone who will correct his mistakes and who will reflect better on your administration, before the November election. Environmentalists were a big proponent of your 2008 candidacy and would like to be again in 2012. Replacing Salazar as soon as possible would be the best thing you could do for your re-election but also for the fragile environment.
Thank your for attention to this vital matter.

Why is this important?

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has made bad decision after bad decision. He is bad for the environment and for this administration's record.