To: Rep. Brendan Boyle (PA-2), Sen. Robert Casey (PA-1), and Sen. Patrick Toomey (PA-2)

Please Save Us. Extend Unemployment Benefits.

We call on Congress to extend the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program through 2014, and prevent 1.3 million people from losing their benefits at the end of this year.

Why is this important?

I have been unemployed for 10 months, and will soon face exhaustion of benefits. I have been working odd jobs to try and supplement my income, but cannot find a permanent, living-wage job. If I don't find a job in the next 2 months, I will become homeless. I am already behind on all of my bills, including rent. I suppose the next thing I will have to endure is eviction. I have nowhere to go, and all of the surrounding housing authorities have closed waiting lists.