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To: The Maryland State House, The Maryland State Senate, and Governor Larry Hogan

Please! Sign The Rent Control Petion To Stop Increasing Rent...

Stop Raising the Rent every Year knowing that the people are not able to afford the high cost. Example: $817.00 to $75,00 increase: yearly or $100.00 People have lost their jobs, Maryland Need Rent Control- Buy signing this Petition we are making a statement to the Landlord that they cannot keep placing this stronghold ,and hardship on people,knowing that we do not have the money. Some people have lost their jobs or they are on a fix income.

Why is this important?

This is about stopping the landlord: Increasing the Rent:. We need everyone to stop to sign so this can be taking to our Publidue to buget hardship. People are not getting a cost of living ,but the rent is constantly going up higher.....



2021-08-10 21:09:09 -0400

10 signatures reached