With all the violence today and accidents involving guns, why do we need citizens to carry concealed weapons without a permit? We should be trying to increase gun safety, not take it away. The governor must veto concealed weapon carry without a permit.
Why is this important?
I'm a single Mom. I live in a "city" in New Hampshire. We are not in a metro here.
The New Hampshire Senate passed Senate Bill 116, which would repeal the licensing requirement for carrying a concealed pistol or revolver. In other words, you could carry a concealed weapon without a permit.
Sen. Sharon Carson, R-Londonderry, said, "This bill recognizes that the simple act of putting on a coat should not require a permit from the state."
Really?! How is that to same?
Please sign this to send a message that we want gun safety in New Hampshire--not the opposite! Gov. Hassan must follow through on her commitment to veto this dangerous bill.