To: The Texas State House
Please Support Health Freedom in Texas
The Texas complementary and alternative health care community & the Texas citizenry at large, strongly support passage of this constitutional amendment, which can be implemented at NO cost to the state of Texas.
HJR 125 empowers Texas health care consumers by protecting their individual right to access the health care advice, treatment and modality of their choice, regardless of who provides it. HJR 125 also recognizes the safety of complementary and alternative modalities & will help preserve thousands of entrepreneurial Texas complementary and alternative health care businesses.
We respectfully request that you unequivocally support passage of HJR 125 during the 2013 legislative session.
HJR 125 empowers Texas health care consumers by protecting their individual right to access the health care advice, treatment and modality of their choice, regardless of who provides it. HJR 125 also recognizes the safety of complementary and alternative modalities & will help preserve thousands of entrepreneurial Texas complementary and alternative health care businesses.
We respectfully request that you unequivocally support passage of HJR 125 during the 2013 legislative session.
Why is this important?
Texas Rep. David Simpson (R-Longview) has just authored and filed House Joint Resolution (HJR) 125, an amendment to the Texas Constitution that, if enacted into law, would guarantee each Texan the individual right to access whatever health care treatment they choose, and would protect the rights of practitioners to offer those treatments and modalities.
To read the purpose & specifics of this amendment, please visit:
To read the purpose & specifics of this amendment, please visit: