To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

Please support Medical Cannabis in Florida

With 18 states and the District of Columbia supporting medical cannabis and having their own medical cannabis laws, it is time for Florida to offer the same relief to the sick and infirm in Florida. With the plethora of the population being elderly, and Veterans, they need an alternate option to healthcare choices. Medical cannabis is completely safe and non-toxic, causing no harm to internal organs.
In addition, Florida needs to support their Veterans. In medical cannabis states, Veterans have greater benefit, as they are not penalized financially or medically for cannabis metabolites in their system. If a Veteran were to use cannabis in Florida and test positive, they risk loss of not only health care, but risk financial loss, as they might have their monetary benefits removed as well. We must be fair to all Veterans, support them, and ensure they all have the same rights and benefits.
Furthermore, studies show that teen use of marijuana goes down in states with a regulated model for medical cannabis, as do suicides, and driving fatalities. Please copy and paste the following link into your browser to see the studies here:
Support and "Do Pass" SB 1250 and HB 1139 - regulation bills that will track cannabis in Florida from seed to sale, and bring great relief to patients in Florida, as well as benefit our great state with additional revenue to support the program, a benefit to Florida.
Your constituents rely on you to make the right choice, and polls show 7 in 10 Floridians support medical marijuana in Florida. Please listen to the voters, and pass a bill.

Please view this news story as well - be sure to copy and paste the link into your browser:

Stay involved! Please be sure to sign up and stay active - sign up at

We will help you to get resolutions in your community - and keep you up to date on progress of the bill. It is imperative you stay involved, and help get this law passed. WE NEED YOU!

Please sign up by April 10, 2013 to stay up to date, be educated, and help to affect change in Florida for one and all Floridians.

Out of state folks - please SHARE this information with all you know in Florida.

Thank you

Why is this important?

Medical cannabis saved my life. My name is Irvin Rosenfeld, I am the longest surviving of the final 4 Federal medical cannabis patients in the Nation. I have received medical cannabis from the Federal Government for over 30 years now - right here in Florida. I believe if medical cannabis were available for all Floridians we would see benefits for many people, a decrease in prescription pill abuse, and more people becoming productive members of society as their health improves. I am living proof cannabis works, and I am a productive member of society, working at my brokerage firm. Without cannabis, I very well would have been home bound, and a drain on society rather than a contributing member.
