For the benefit of Nevada kids, please adopt the Next Generation Science Standards, which include information about climate science. Nevada students, and students around the country, are living in an era of rapidly increasing climate impacts, exemplified by the Yosemite Rim Fire. A strong scientific education, that includes climate science, will help them identify climate solutions.
Why is this important?
The Nevada State Board of Education is poised to decide the future of science education for all Nevada Students. Nevada could join states around the country in adopting New Generation Science Standards (NGSS), an updated and comprehensive set of science education standards developed by 26 states, including Nevada. These standards will ensure students receive an up-to-date science education, including learning about climate science.
At a time when kids in Carson City, Reno and beyond are suffering from breathing smoke from the enormous Yosemite-area Rim Fire — the kind of fire becoming far more common with climate change — it’s more important than ever for Nevada students to gain a strong understanding of the causes and impacts of climate change. This will give them the foundation they need to identify climate solutions.
Let’s send the Board a strong message that our kids deserve a 21st century science education to help them address the challenges and opportunities they will face.
Climate change will have a huge impact on our children’s future, and we need to let the Board of Education know Nevada parents, grandparents and science supporters want our kids to learn the facts.
You'll help us send that message by signing the petition in support of the new science standards.
If we act today, our children and grandchildren will thank us tomorrow!