To: Glen Taylor, Owner

Please tell the Minnesota Timberwolves to stand up against discrimination!

Two weeks ago, North Carolina passed one of the harshest and-LGBTQ laws in the country that effectively prohibits municipalities from enacting anti-discrimination ordinances.

Since then, there's been a huge outcry of dissent with dozens of companies and artists saying they'll pull out of investments and planned events in North Carolina until the state changes their discriminatory law.

One organization that hasn't yet spoken out is the NBA, which plans to hold its 2017 All-Star game in Charlotte. Basketball legend Charles Barkley has already called on the NBA to move the game and, when asked about it earlier in the week, Detroit Pistons coach Stan Van Gundy added his name to that call. Here's what he said:

"I do have an opinion on that. That game should be moved if they don't change that law. I'm really proud Bruce Springsteen moved his concert. ...

"Look, we are in 2016, and the idea, for any reason you conjure up, that you have the right to discriminate against people ... I think it's against what we stand for. I think the league should take a stand. I don't think the All-Star Game should be there if they don't change the law."

So far the NBA has resisted the calls to move the game but if they hear from enough players and coaches, they'll have to take action. Minnesota Timberwolves coach Sam Mitchell hasn't spoken out yet. Will you please consider signing this petition calling on Coach Sam Mitchell and the Minnesota Timberwolves to stand with Coach Van Gundy and Charles Barkley and speak out against discrimination?

Why is this important?

I believe all people should have equality in this country; countless lives have been lost and we have all worked too hard to protect our citizens to allow such discrimination.