To: Facebook
Please Unblock Hejen Pize Qerej's Facebook account
Dear Facebook Team,
From 14th of October, the Facebook account of my friend, Hejen Pize Qerej, has been closed. Below is his facebook account link:
As an active Facebook user and as a friend of Hejen Pize Qerej, I am asking you to open Hejen’s account. I have known him for a long time and as far as I know he is an extremely nice person. He is an animal and environment lover and a friend of them. He is also fighting against discrimination, execution, suppression/ oppression and prejudice.
I can only see one reason for blocking his Facebook account. There are people who are supportive of the tyranny regimes and their political parties in the Middle East. It is very sad to see Facebook listening to those sorts of people. By doing this, Facebook indirectly supports those brutal regimes that try to terrorize, imprison and kill community activists, journalists, human right activists and Libertarian people. While you cannot support the suppressed people, please hand off their Facebook account and do not block them.
I am asking you right now to open Hejen Pize Qerej’s Facebook account, and hoping that Facebook continues taking the right direction instead of being a tool in the hands of the tyrannical regimes and their agents. I also hope Facebook finds itself to be supportive of the rights of animals, humans and the environment.
From 14th of October, the Facebook account of my friend, Hejen Pize Qerej, has been closed. Below is his facebook account link:
As an active Facebook user and as a friend of Hejen Pize Qerej, I am asking you to open Hejen’s account. I have known him for a long time and as far as I know he is an extremely nice person. He is an animal and environment lover and a friend of them. He is also fighting against discrimination, execution, suppression/ oppression and prejudice.
I can only see one reason for blocking his Facebook account. There are people who are supportive of the tyranny regimes and their political parties in the Middle East. It is very sad to see Facebook listening to those sorts of people. By doing this, Facebook indirectly supports those brutal regimes that try to terrorize, imprison and kill community activists, journalists, human right activists and Libertarian people. While you cannot support the suppressed people, please hand off their Facebook account and do not block them.
I am asking you right now to open Hejen Pize Qerej’s Facebook account, and hoping that Facebook continues taking the right direction instead of being a tool in the hands of the tyrannical regimes and their agents. I also hope Facebook finds itself to be supportive of the rights of animals, humans and the environment.
Why is this important?
Dear Facebook Team,
on 14th of October you blocked my facebook account (Hejen Pize) ;
I am an anarchist and humanist Writer, free Journalist, women-, children- and animals right activist on Facebook under username ( Hejen Pize Qerej ), I, therefore, can't use my real Name, because it will be dangers for me and my Family in northern Iraq.
As you know since 2008 I'm Facebook user and activist, all the Time I have been fighting racism, sexism, chauvinism, discrimination, militarism, fascism, child abuse and militarist. All the time I have been endorsed the solidarity between all human and being active.
In the last 8 years I have written many articles on Facebook, all my archive is blocked and I can't download them. I know that you as a network provider or company under your rules have right to block or delete any user account, but I am as a user I know that I have right too to backup my archive for the year 2008 until 14th October 2016.
I, Therefore, ask you please unblock my account ( or give me a chance to download my archive from my account, or please forward me my Archive backup.
Yours sincerely,
Hejên Pize
on 14th of October you blocked my facebook account (Hejen Pize) ;
I am an anarchist and humanist Writer, free Journalist, women-, children- and animals right activist on Facebook under username ( Hejen Pize Qerej ), I, therefore, can't use my real Name, because it will be dangers for me and my Family in northern Iraq.
As you know since 2008 I'm Facebook user and activist, all the Time I have been fighting racism, sexism, chauvinism, discrimination, militarism, fascism, child abuse and militarist. All the time I have been endorsed the solidarity between all human and being active.
In the last 8 years I have written many articles on Facebook, all my archive is blocked and I can't download them. I know that you as a network provider or company under your rules have right to block or delete any user account, but I am as a user I know that I have right too to backup my archive for the year 2008 until 14th October 2016.
I, Therefore, ask you please unblock my account ( or give me a chance to download my archive from my account, or please forward me my Archive backup.
Yours sincerely,
Hejên Pize