To: Sen. Ginny Burdick, Rep. Peter Buckley, Sen. Floyd Prozanski, Rep. Ken Helm, Sen. Jeff Kruse, Sen. Ted Ferrioli, Sen. Lee Beyer, Rep. Ann Lininger, Rep. Carl Wilson, and Rep. Andy Olson

Please vote "NO" on the Senate Bill 844 - 6

The Measure 91 Committee is starting to consider amendments that will severely impact the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act. These amendments are being attached to Senate Bill 844. While the amendment contains some beneficial provisions for the OMMA, it unnecessarily restricts patient grow sites and places too many barriers upon medical marijuana providers.

Why is this important?

Please vote "NO" on the Senate Bill 844 "Dash 6" Amendments because thousands of sick and disabled patients will lose safe access to medicine, hurting their quality of life. Limiting patient gardens and placing unnecessary rules, inspections, fees and reporting requirements on growers will force many out of the medical system and potentially into the black market.
