To: Marc Miller, Director of Illinois Department of Natural Resources, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor J.B. Pritzker

Pledge Solidarity with Illinois Frack Fighters

Pledge solidarity with Illinoisans dedicated to stopping our state from becoming the next sacrifice zone destroyed by industrialized fracking, pipelines, and frac sand mining.

Why is this important?

The Illinois Constitution states, “The public policy of the State and the duty of each person is to provide and maintain a healthful environment for the benefit of this and future generations.” It is our duty to protect our environment, but we are running out of options. Oil and gas industry has started exploratory drilling.

We've reached a new phase in the fracking struggle in Illinois. According to the Illinois DNR, thanks to dangerously weak rules, the fracking rush could begin as early as this fall.

Citizen’s groups have pointed out that the law will devastate local ecosystems, and won't protect us from health impacts including poisoned water supplies or air pollution that cause birth defects and other illnesses for people living near fracking wells. Over 32,000 comments were submitted to IDNR during the public hearings but even the strongest of regulations work to protect industry, gut local control in unincorporated areas, legalize pollution, are worthless without enforcement, and will do nothing to stop earthquakes in the New Madrid and Wabash Valley seismic zones.

It’s crystal clear.
Money and the prospect of jobs are the driving force behind our governor’s poor decision to sign this negligent law and disregard people for profit. We are running out of options. Non violent direct action is our last line of defense to protect what we love. 

 We are asking for your pledge of solidarity.

Will you stand with us and hundreds of other folks who are dedicated in stopping the destruction of our beautiful Illinois, the land between the rivers, from becoming the next sacrifice zone for the industrialized fracking.

Will you support us in building a powerful movement to defend our homes in Illinois by 1) Raising awareness of civil liberties in your community, 2) Donating resources, like supplies, for organizational efforts, 3) Join or support  nonviolent direct action campaigns, like rallies, protests and candlelight vigils?

Pledge your support and solidarity with Illinoisans who are protecting their communities from the harms of fracking.