To: You

Pledge to support candidates running for local office who would uphold the Paris Climate Agreement

Pledge to fight for local climate candidates that will stand up to Trump's fossil fuel agenda and lead with solutions from the grassroots.

Why is this important?

Donald Trump is pulling us out of the Paris Climate Agreement, and he has stacked his cabinet with Big Oil billionaires and Wall Street executives who are trying to rollback all the progress we've made on climate change. Their greed and bigotry is literally threatening our survival, and we must outright reject it.

The only way we can stop him is by building state and local resistance that can get in his way, while we continue to build solutions from the grassroots.

Most election cycles focus on Presidential and Congressional elections -- but we know that change doesn't come from the top. And by neglecting the power and importance of local elections, we fall into the trap of playing the big money game that makes Washington, DC toxic and dysfunctional. It's time to change the game and get behind local leaders who can take our democracy back, stop threatening fossil fuel projects, and demonstrate the type of bold leadership we need on climate change.

Local leaders are starting to run for office, and if we double-down on this strategy we can elect the next generation of bold progressive leaders who will stand for people over profit. Local elections are often decided by only 500-1000 votes, so if we team up, we can have a huge impact. Whether it's donating $27 or volunteering for 2 hours to call local voters to remind them to vote, our impact will add up.

It's time to stop waiting for the same old corrupt politicians in Washington, DC to to save us. And it’s time to start investing in a new generation of leaders to take power and lead locally. Let's do it.