To: President Donald Trump, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Pledge to the Voters Initiative

The objective of this petition is to codify the notion that candidates for ALL elected and appointed positions in America's state houses, US Senate and House, SCOTUS and POTUS should be required to sign a "Pledge to the Voters" that they will sign NO other pledges, agreements or any other instrument intended to divert them from their loyal and diligent service to ALL their constituents, not just the voters who elected them or their largest campaign contributors.

Why is this important?

Grover Norquist's infamous "Americans for Tax Reform" Pledge is a cynical diversion of elected officials from their responsiblities to ALL their constituents, and has contributed to the most polarized, ineffective Congress in living memory. Aside from the fact that it's probably unconstitutional, the Pledge and others like it, constitute an undue interference in the completion of the People's business.
