To: MoveOn members
Pledge to vote against politicians who will not support gun control.
We can only counter the power of the NRA through our votes. I propose a state-by-state drive to gather signatures of registered voters who pledge to vote against any politician of any party in their state who will not openly and directly support the kind of common-sense gun control that is wanted by a large majority of Americans.
Why is this important?
I am no longer willing to sit and wait for the next mass killing to come to my community. The large majority of Americans support common-sense gun control, but we are being held hostage by a tiny minority of highly vocal members of the NRA, a group representing no more than 7 percent of the adult population - many of whom actually also support gun control. We can only counter the power of the NRA through our voices and our votes. I propose a state-by-state drive to gather signatures of registered voters who pledge to vote against any politician of any party who will not vocally support the kind of measures that will begin to eliminate the easy availability of guns which fuels the current crisis of killing in our country. I propose to keep the focus local - it is harder for elected officials to dismiss the numbers if they are presented with a pledge from voters only from their own state who make it plain whom they will and will not support. The state-by-state results will then also speak for themselves from a national perspective more clearly and with greater impact. If this petition shows strong support among MoveOn members, I would like to work with others to move the larger project forward on a state-by-state basis.