To: Republican National Committee

Pledge to Vote Ron Paul in 2012 No Matter What

By signing the pledge, we agree that we will only vote for Ron Paul in 2012, even if we have to write his name in. The values he stands behind are more important to us in contrast to the big government, big spending, warmongering politics of his opponents.

Why is this important?

It is in our agreement that Ron Paul is the only valuable candidate to our country in the presidential race and the only candidate that upholds the US Constitution. We want our politicians to seriously take a stand for liberty, end all these foreign wars that cost us lives and money and cut our national debt substantially with real plans. We're tired of talk of promises--we want action. We pledge to vote for Ron Paul in 2012, no matter who receives the GOP nomination. We are tired of how the media and the GOP has marginalized Ron Paul voters and unfairly treated his campaign. We will not vote for Obama, Romney, Gingrich, or Santorum.