To: Maine Voters

Pledge to Vote Yes On 1!

This Tuesday, November 8th, I pledge to vote YES on Question 1.

Same-day voter registration works for Maine.

Why is this important?

The right to vote and choose our leaders is at the heart of what it means to be an American. If we don’t like the decisions our elected officials are making, we can simply vote them out.

Politicians and the corporations who bankroll their campaigns are now trying to make it harder for working Mainers to vote, by taking away our time-honored right to register on Election Day. They know that if we have less of a voice, it will be easier for them to stay in power. That way they can continue to give tax breaks to the wealthy, and keep ignoring the needs of the other 99%.

Join thousands of other Mainers who are promising to support same-day registration this Tuesday by signing this Yes on 1 pledge. Use the form above to add your name.
