To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Police Accountability and Civilian Tutelage (PACT) Act

Make it illegal for police forces to posses or use any weapons, supplies, gear or other devices that are illegal for civilians and impose stiff penalties, including termination and ineligibility to hold any position of power over civilians, to any officer who aids, assists in or exercises (directly or indirectly) excessive force, police brutality, or other unconstitutional actions including but not limited to making unconstitutional arrests and make it legal for citizens who are being threatened under such circumstances to defend themselves by any means necessary against the forces who are oppressing them. Create the position of "civilian advocate," civilian advocates will have more power than the police and will ensure that they are truly serving and protecting citizens they will have unfettered access to police documents and monitor police activity to ensure the rights of law abiding citizens aren't being violated; Ideal candidates will be impartial experts in constitutional and statutory law, will be well versed in issues pertaining to civil liberties and will have a background in social work and working with issues pertaining to civil liberties and social justice.

Why is this important?

The power and size of the police forces in the United States is growing at an alarming rate while officers of the law, who are sworn to uphold our constitution, are committing brutal, and sometimes lethal acts of violence for little or no reason at all. Police departments have started to undergo training for "riot control" and to respond to potential "terrorist threats" while their definition of terrorists grows to include Ron Paul supporters, people who pay with cash, protestors, and people who buy more than a week's worth of groceries at a time. Police have been breaking up peaceful protests and arresting innocent civilians, unconstitutionally, just to shut them up.