To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Political honesty
A bill should be introduced in Congress to squelch freedom of speech in the political arena, whether politcian or journalist or talkshow host or news broadcast. I know that there are many who would never vote for a constitutional amendment that would force those involved in politics to tell the truth. But every election year, the rightwing bombards us with outrageous lies about their opponents. We should try to stop it.
Why is this important?
This whole country is being victimized by the heartless, sociopathic attacks by RepubliCON politicians and their Super pacs. They constantly lie about their opponents and one reason is that they cannot run on their own records. At least 95% of their attacks are groundless and can't be proven. RepubliCON-artists need millions of mis-informed voters; that is the only way they can win. They do their best to keep them mis-informed.
We need to petition Congressional members and anyone creating political ads and all political journalists that they MUST tell the truth! It is not that difficult. Why should we have to listen to spins and lies like those spewed by FAUX News and rightwing talkshow hosts? IT IS ABOUT TIME! That is right. Even if you are involved in politics as a journalist, you MUST do everything you can to present facts.
We need to petition Congressional members and anyone creating political ads and all political journalists that they MUST tell the truth! It is not that difficult. Why should we have to listen to spins and lies like those spewed by FAUX News and rightwing talkshow hosts? IT IS ABOUT TIME! That is right. Even if you are involved in politics as a journalist, you MUST do everything you can to present facts.